Key Information About Practice of Naturopathic Medicine

Aug 6, 20210 comments

This week, we are discussing key information about practice of naturopathic medicine. In last week’s post, we began our discussion with the top ten truths regarding the education and philosophies of naturopathic medicine.

Myth #1 Naturopathic Doctors and Homeopaths are the Same


Naturopathic Doctors are trained in homeopathic medicine, and it is one of the many treatments that doctors can use with patients.

Myth #2 Naturopaths and naturopathic doctors are the same


In states or jurisdictions that do not regulate the naturopathic profession, individuals sometimes may use the title of naturopath or naturopathic doctor. However, they are different than Naturopathic Doctors who have studied and passed their board certification exam. In the State of New Hampshire, N.D.’s are licensed and regulated by the state. Click here to find an N.D. in New Hampshire.

Myth #3 Naturopathic Medicine Treatments are Just a Variety of Dietary Supplements


Therapeutic order pyramid

Graphic: AANMC

Treatments are much more involved than just prescribing supplements. Naturopaths base their treatment process on the Therapeutic Order, a hierarchy of principles. They are trained to work as part of a care team and treat the needs of their patients through extensive engagement and interaction with their patients. They develop comprehensive and customized treatment plans that are based on a patient’s total wellness and helps them maximize the healthiness of diet, lifestyle, and environment. They are trained to implement the best treatment options for their patients that is tailored to the patient’s needs.

Portrait of a friendly physician smiling at camera, nurse and patient can be seen in background

 Myth #4 Naturopathic Medicine is Ineffective Compared to Traditional Medicine


Naturopathic medicine has proven to be effective in the treatment and prevention of a variety of different medical problems without significant side effects. The conditions range from behavioral to physical and from short-term to chronic and can include such conditions as anxiety, autism, asthma, pneumonia, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, Celiac disease, allergies, thyroid diseases, skin infections, migraines, arthritis, others.

Now that you understand a bit more of the key information about practice of naturopathic medicine, you will be better prepared. If you are thinking of seeing an N.D., it is appropriate to have a consultation or a meeting to discuss your concerns. You will find that your N.D. is an integral part of your care team who will work with you on your goal of achieving total wellness. Stay tuned for next week’s post exploring the facts about naturopathic patients.